Saturday, February 12, 2011

Party's over... who made this mess?

So Egypt is free. The "Last Pharoah" has been dethroned and the process of de-constructing the spectre that was Mubarak has begun.

I am part of the generation that grew up only ever knowing Mubarak's Egypt. But watching the birth of a new Egypt is proving inspiring in many ways.

After the historic outing of a dictator by peaceful protest, the Egyptian people got up to claim their country. First item on the agenda: clean up.

Egyptians replacing the paving stones that had been used as weapons.

Egyptians cleaning up the streets.

Makeshift "Lost & Found" Stall to help people recover their misplaced belongings.

Tents in Tahrir Square being dismantled 

It's in the little things that we show who we really are, as people... and as a people.

Photos courtesy of the BBC.

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