Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Get Rich Mr Agbaje

I just saw Get rich or die tryin'. Don't get me wrong, I mean its not like I just found out the movie existed or anything. I'd seen it around but since I was not (and still am not) a fan of G-G-G-G-G-UNIT! I couldn't give a flying fart! (Pardon the expression!)

But I was bored at work today and I happened to have a bootleg copy (yeah sue me!) of the movie so I thought I'd see what all the fuss was about. Then again... was there any fuss? It said most anticipated movie of the year on the cover of the CD but since Asian bootleg versions of movies all say that I didn't lay much store by it.

Having said that, I LIKED THE MOVIE! I really did. I was surprised how well it was scripted and directed. Then I checked and find it was directed by 6time Oscar Nominee Jim Sheridan! The dude who did In the Name of the Father. A grit-movie specialist then? COOL!

But I guess I was most impressed by Akinnuoye- Agbaje's utterly convincing portrayal of an American drug kingpin. The portrayal of the character of Majestic was so intense for the Nigerian Buddhist actor that he said he had to do a lot of chanting to get through the experiance.
Chanting hunh? Go figure. The dude was baaaad!

So I guess what I'm trying to say in my own amateur movie critic kind of way is... go see the movie. Or at least get the bootlegged copy. Sorry 50, you're already rich.

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